So...the picture in the Header of my blog is a curious one?! Yes? Well it is a picture of my Grandma with her sisters, goofing around. As far as I can tell, they all got together after church on Sundays and took a bunch of great candid photos. I discovered these after my granny died, she was the last one of her generation so all I can do is speculate about the pics. I am so thankful to have found these, they are a treasure to me. You know, one of those things that you would grab in a natural disaster. I miss my Grandma a lot, a day doesn't go by that I don't think of her. She was the strongest, most independent women I know. That is saying a lot. She was born in 1921 and independence was something that was not encouraged, so she is my hero. Just when I think that my life is hard, or things aren't going the way that I want them to, I think of her and how she helped forge the way for her daughters, grand daughters and even great grand daughters! Love you Granny!!!
Isn't she the most beautiful thing ever? Sometimes I think that I might have been born in the wrong era. Do you ever think that?
So cute! If I wouldn't have found these, I never would have known how she felt about my Grandpa once upon a time. To me it's like a fairy tale.
When I go to flea markets and garage sales and see someones old pictures for sale it breaks my heart. How could NO one in the family want these gems?
I want to know how you all display your family heirlooms? Give me some ideas!
Happy Halloween!!!